Sunday, September 1, 2013


This week for our p-day we got to go to the market that was in the city of guatemala.  It was awesome to be able to leave the MTC and go into the city for a change.  But it sure is nothing like America, but I love it here.  But the market was awesome, it was in kind of an underground area that had hundreds of stores.  It was awesome though because the aisles in the market were only about 3 feet wide and there were stores packed up and down the aisles of people trying to sell things to us.  It was crazy how many stores were packed into such a little area.  But while I was there I bought a shirt that says ¨guats up¨ and a machete...  I love the shirt, but it is a little short.  But it doesnt matter, because it still fits.  But in the market you get to barter with the owners and that was quite the fun experience. So I bought the shirt for 30 quetzals, which is about 4 dollars or so, And the machete for 100 quetzals, which is about 15 dollars.  So it is quite the bargain to find things down here because everything is so cheap.  Also I have had an awful cough this week but I dont feel sick so that doesnt bother me, but it is annoying to have.  Not much else has happened this week, but I am glad to hear about all of the missionaries from home that are leaving, because I know that it is the right thing to be doing.  I also love the amount of time that we get here to study the gospel.  I have already almost finished the book of mormon again since I got here, and Im about half way through Jesus the Christ.  I love to study the gospel, although back at home it was something that I didnt really do, I wish that I would have spent more time reading the scriptures and learning about Christ.  Because I absolutely love to learn about Christs life and all that he has done for us.  My scripture this week is John 10:17-18.  I absolutely love this scritpure and it says, ¨Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.  No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have power to lay it donw, and I have power to take it again.  This commandment have I received of my Father.¨ Obviously that is Christ speaking, and this scripture shows to me that Christ was willing to do anything for us even if it meant suffering through something that he could have avoided.  I love the Gospel and I cant wait to be serving the people of Coban!      Love, Jeffrey Stuart

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