Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dear my dear friends and family

This week was a little interesting.  On thursday was my comps birthday..  So we celebrated!  It was pretty great, we had a cake for lunch and the person that we usually eat lunch with bought a cake for the four of us... but me and Elder Connolly and Cordova helped pay, and the cake cost 180 quetzales, which is a ton, and it was probably the worst cake I have ever eaten, but my comp liked it and he was happy, so yeah whatever works right...

Also we had a great week this week with contacting...  We fasted and we were able to encounter 3 families that are pretty interested in our message.  We now have taught each one 2 times and they said that we can come back.. So that is something that is fantastic.  So right now we are teaching 5 families that are interested, and only one of them doesnt have a dad!  That is my record in the misssion...  because it is super hard to find complete families here with a mom dad and kids... So we are super excited for this month...  Also Fasting is so great! do it! Always!  well just once a month and on special occasions!  Well it think you understand!

So some good things have happened this week and we are looking forward to another 6 weeks here.  me and my comp got our changes and we are not changing..  So that is pretty great!  Im super excited!

Well until next time...

Amos 3:7... Prophets are important..

Elder Stuart

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